Storehouse Project

We envision a united community, coming together as one under God. Our goal is to build storehouses in Ghana, providing access to food for communities in need. We aim to alleviate hunger and nourish those in need, hoping to see the community thrive and develop in other areas. By providing food, we can reduce stress and allow Ghanaians to focus on other important aspects of their lives.

About the project

Starting point

We plan to establish storehouses in areas of greatest need. These storehouses will be stocked with ample food supplies, which community leaders will distribute monthly to support the vulnerable members of their communities.

Support from local communities

This project requires the support of a whole community. Every donation, no matter how small, will bring us closer to achieving our goal of working out of the storehouse.

End result

When we all contribute to the storehouse, we can alleviate the worries of an individual, a family, or a child. We aim to bring hope to those who have lost it, strength to those who are weak, and fill the stomachs of those who are hungry.

“Together, we can make a difference.”

– Kingdom Preneurs Mission