Mission Trips In Ghana

Our first mission took place in a small neighborhood in Ghana, specifically for children under 15 years old. In 2023, the founder felt moved by the Lord to provide dinner for the kids in her neighborhood. It was a success because 30 children left with the brightest smiles on their faces.

The Foundation of Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide food to vulnerable communities in Ghana.

Our Mission Statement

"We exercise unity to bring change to our community."

Our Mission Plan

Kingdom Preneurs will organize annual Mission Trips to Ghana. Our missions include feeding our community and spreading the message of hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Volunteers will assist with daily tasks in running the storehouse, upkeep, maintenance and ensuring that every person and organization such as orphanages and more receives their monthly food supply.

Our annual mission trips will take place in Ghana and will last for one week. During this time, we will prepare boxes to be sent out to various community leaders, and then we will take our donation of food to the areas we will be serving. It is during this time that we will have fellowship with the people and spread the word of God to uplift the weak.

Our trip will also include two fun days where our volunteers will have the opportunity to explore Ghana and learn about its history. We are currently looking for more volunteers to join us on our mission trips. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out the form at the link provided below.

Our Second Mission

Our second mission took place on the streets of Accra. We were fortunate to feed over 100 people who were living on the streets and in desperate need of food. The amount of gratitude we received from these individuals was overwhelming to witness, motivating us to do even more for the community.

“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”

― Brian Tracy