Providing food to kids and families in Ghana

Because no person, big or small, should face barriers to food. Donations help us support our community weekly. We are also working on a storehouse project where food will be stored for our annual and local mission trips.

Projects we are focusing on

Annual Mission Trips
Storehouse Project

Kingdom Preneurs will organize annual Mission Trips to Ghana. Our missions include feeding our community and spreading the message of hope through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Volunteers will assist with daily tasks in running the storehouse, upkeep, maintenance and ensuring that every person and organization such as orphanages and more receives their monthly food supply.

We envision a united community, coming together as one under God. Our goal is to build storehouses in Ghana, providing access to food for communities in need. Our aim is to ease the burden of hunger and nourish empty stomachs. Our primary focus is addressing malnutrition in children, a prevalent issue globally. We plan to establish the storehouses in areas where they are most needed. While hunger is just one of the many challenges we face, we believe it's crucial to address it first. By alleviating hunger, we hope to empower the weak and nurture them both physically and spiritually. The storehouses will be stocked with a plentiful supply of food, distributed monthly by community leaders to those in need.

Your help is instrumental in providing vulnerable communities access to the supply of food they need